How to Prepare Children for a Move

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Moving to a new home is a balancing act of excitement and challenges, especially for children. We know that your best experience comes from them having their best possible move. 

Making the transition fun for children doesn’t have to be a dreaded battle. We’ve put together these tips to cover everything from how to create space for feelings to ‘helper’ activities that make them feel autonomous before, during, and after. At Holt, we understand the significance of this transition and are committed to supporting a productive, bonding experience for every member of your family.


Understanding the Impact of Moving on Children

Just like you, children will have a wide array of feelings about the move. There will likely be some anxious feelings that arise, ranging from nerves around a new school and friends to sentimental feelings about their first home. While different age groups may respond in different ways, it's essential to acknowledge and validate their emotions. Helping them use words to process what they’re feeling and understanding the normality of these big emotions will provide empathetic support. 


Strategies to Prepare Children for a Move

1.    Before the Move.

Involving children in the moving process can empower them to feel included. Communication is key. Explain the move to your children in a positive and reassuring manner that affirms the exciting and fun parts of change. Encourage honesty and allow them to express their feelings openly.

Letting them help with house-hunting online or brainstorming decorations for their new room can build anticipation and excitement. If you’ll be transitioning your child to a new school or neighborhood, getting them involved with new potential friends and activities early and often will do wonders when the big day comes.

2.    During the Move.

Although there may be some initial pushback, kids do like to be involved in their own lives. Turn it into a packing party - ideally it’s not a chore, but a fun activity. Provide them with colorful markers or stickers to label their boxes, or have a friend over to help. 

Coming up with a checklist of tasks that they own will provide a much needed sense of autonomy. This way you can shift the narrative from an uncontrollable uprooting happening to them, to an exciting project with them.

While it’s easier said than done, maintaining routines amidst the chaos of moving can provide stability for children. Stick to regular mealtimes and bedtimes as much as possible so they can navigate one change at a time.

Make moving day special by creating a kit filled with snacks, games, and their favorite toys. Consider a small farewell ritual like a gratitude walkthrough or memory book to bid goodbye to the old home and welcome the new chapter.


3.    After the Move.

Encourage children to unpack their belongings and personalize their new space - a whole new room all to themselves? Lucky them! This can ease anxiety and take it from house to home.

Kids’ peers are very important to them. Make a concerted effort to maintain existing friendships while also welcoming in the new. Suggesting a sleepover at the new house or a weekly hang at the new local park is a great place to start.

Getting involved in the community is essential for a seamless transition. Explore local activities, sports teams, or arts programs together as a family. Discovering new places in the neighborhood that can become your go-to spots can be an exciting adventure. 


Holt Homes: Building More Than Just Houses

Creating a sense of community goes beyond just building houses. Holt understands the importance of fostering genuine connections and belonging among its residents of all ages. 

Here are some ways we go above and beyond to build community:

  • Parks and Green Spaces: A breath of fresh air can go a long way post-move. Our many parks and green spaces are ideal for recreation, relaxation, and outdoor gatherings. Whether it's a playground for children, walking trails for families, or picnic areas for events, these spaces encourage interaction and a sense of belonging among residents.
  • Community Events and Activities: While we love our homes and our jobs, it’s scientifically proven that humans need a third space to truly thrive. What better way for you and yours to meet new friends than a neighborhood BBQ or arts and crafts night? It’s important to give kids (and yourself!) something to look forward to with all the transitions of a move. Get inspired and meet new neighbors by organizing activities where similar interests forge friendships that feel like home.


The best thing you can do to prepare your children for the big move is to maintain your own positive attitude, and we’re here to help. As you embark on this journey, know that we’ve got your back every step of the way.

By prioritizing communities that prioritize connection among residents, Holt Homes creates neighborhoods where residents of all ages feel at home. For more tips or information about our communities, feel free to reach out to our team. Together, we'll make your move a memorable and positive experience for your family.



About Holt Homes

For more than four decades, Holt Homes has built new construction homes for families in Oregon and Southwest Washington. The quality and experience of our people, the ease and efficiency of our approach, and the livability of our communities works hand-in-hand to make Holt Homes the largest locally-grown home builder in the region. For more information, live chat or call us at (971) 231-5560.

*All selections subject to change depending on availability